Community development program center of Nevada (CDPCN)

Serving the Vegas Commmunity

Community Development Program Center of Nevada
Developments Units Year
Sunset Palms 56 1997
Corte Madera 192 1997
Sunset Park 48 1998
Louise Shell 100 1999
Owens Partnership 72 1998
Vegas Heights 4 1999
HUD Home Sales 14 1999
Evergreen Granny 100 2002
Ernie Cragin 52 2001
Whispering Timbers 208 1999
Yale/Keyes Senior Apts 70 2003
Daisy Lee Homes 58 2006
Senator Richard Bryan I 120 2007
Senator Richard Bryan II 120 2007
Sarann Knight 82 2009
Smith Williams 80 2011
Adele Kline Barlow 39 2012
Paul Meachum 58 2014
Luther Mack 47 2014
Ethel Mae Fletcher 60 2015
Vgas Dcatur 60 2016
DonnaLouise 48 2017
Over the next 5 years, CDPCN plans to develop another 600 to 700 affordable housing units within Southern Nevada’s challenged communities.